2021 Release notes

Feature updates

Profile group members

Release 21.31

The list of profile group members is sorted alphabetically by surname.

Synchronise invoice status changes from Xero to Membes

Release 21.29

If the payment status of an invoice is updated in Xero, the payment status in Membes can be updated automatically. See the User Guide for details.

Webcastcloud integration

Release 21.28

The Webcastcloud integration allows associations to create additional revenue streams by selling live and on-demand videos and events. See the User Guide for details on how to set up your integration.

Engagement dashboard

Release 21.23

A new Intel dashboard has been created to monitor engagement information such as logins, forum post and shop purchases.

View list of payment plans

Release 21.20

View and export a list of all current payment plans.

Export validated addresses

Release 21.19

Additional columns have been added to the Profile Data export which shows whether or not the address has been validated. If the geolocation software has validated the address you will see OK in the Home_Validated_Status and/or Work_Validated_Status columns in the export.

Applications pending approval filter

Release 21.18

A new filter that allows users to export a list of all membership applications pending approval has been added to the Profile Data export, it can be found on the Others tab.

Profile interactions export

Release 21.18

The Profile Interactions export has been updated so both Profile Interactions and Actions can be exported. Users can also now filter by the date an interaction was logged. For more information see the User Guide.

Sitemaps tool

Release 21.18

Create an XML or text sitemap that can be used to improve SEO, instructions available in the User Guide.

Dashboard widgets

Release 21.12

Users can customise the information displayed on the dashboard for each area of area of administration by selecting from a range of widgets. Instructions on how to configure and use the dashboard widgets are available in the User Guide.

Digital membership card

Release 21.11

Members can now download a digital membership card via their profile on the website, instructions are available in the User Guide.


Release 21.33

MD-2260 Update CPD audit export to include unprocessed

MD-2259 Update sitemap URL to prepend HTTPS to URLs

MD-2258 Update Xero so archived mapping codes don’t display in Membes

MD-2257 Update invoice process to intercept a null amount field to prevent issue with Xero

MD-2256 Renewal Add-ons to be added to Xero invoice renewal completed

MD-2249 Group description showing in title field in filters

Release 21.32

MD-2247 Update Intel Join vs Lapsed graph

Release 21.31

MD-2243 Pass address into Xero when creating a contact

MD-2218 Delete relationships for any profiles that are merged/deleted

MD-2230 Add a salutation (prefix) to the drop down list

MD-2224 Convert profile group member list to data table.

Release 21.30

MD-2219 Update profile group file repository

Release 21.29

MD-1845 Modules and integrations to display in billing

MD-2211 Correction to state filter on Intel report

MD-2215 Update to monthly payment plan invoice process

Release 21.28

MD-2200 Intermittent bug causing some shop purchases to throw error

MD-2199 Update Higher Logic integration to update paid through date

MD-2196 Update CPD export activity logs to include only approved activities

MD-2203 Add Webcastcloud integration to menu

MD-2198 Create additional Higher Logic integration logs

Release 21.27

MD-2193 Update to sitemap generation tool

Release 21.26

MD-2186 Incorrect link on membership approval email for sites using mb-embed

MD-2187 Update renewal invoice cancellation process for Xero integration

Release 21.25

MD-2185 File attachment field causing errors in event registrations

Release 21.24

MD-2180 Updates to meta description and description rendering on website pages

Release 21.23

MD-2172 Generation of invoices for monthly memberships

Release 21.22

MD-2164 Link Xero tax codes to country of Association

MD-2163 Higher Logic data import sync issues

Release 21.20

MD-2157 Profile relationship export error

MD-2156 Invoice export items error

Release 21.19

MD-2148 Display message on event registration PDF if registration transferred to another user

Release 21.18

MD-2150 Fix CPD activity attachment upload error

MD-2127 Fix profile interactions export where date based export not returning results

MD-2124 Fix event calendar state filter

MD-2121 Embeddable CMS sites displaying CPD activity submission error

Release 21.17

MD-2089 Fix bug that stops SMS messages being sent from a profile

Release 21.16

MD-2058 Fix bug that does doesn't update address if case only is changed (lower to upper and vice versa).

MD-1769 Remove Membership Renewal discount and discount description fields

MD-1768 Custom CPD Certificate total points rounding to too many decimal places

Release 21.15

MD-1855 SSO to return profile detail in OAUTH2 login callback

Release 21.14

MEM-1177 Profile data export timing out

MEM-1176 Relationship link not displaying correctly

MEM-1174 Add Mauritius country code

MEM-1172 Display notice if dashboard widgets not configured

MEM-1171 Dashboard widget - Upcoming Events displaying incorrect date format

Release 21.13

MEM-1162 Digital membership card not opening with scanned view

MEM-1161 Completed web forms not displaying

MEM-1160 "Member type" column in the CPD logs export blank

MEM-1165 "Previous Name" field not exporting

Release 21.12

MEM-1001 Dashboard widgets

Release 21.11

MEM-1148 Pinch - error when on payer creation

Release 21.10

MEM-1149 Event calendars displaying incorrectly

MEM-1132 Deleting custom email signatures

Release 21.9

MEM-1130 Miscellaneous pagelets not displaying correctly on renewal completion page

Release 21.8

MEM-1125 Prevent group registrations overriding event cap

Release 21.7

MEM-1117 Deleted membership type overriding the default membership type settings

MEM-1106 Event registration field data not exporting

MEM-1092 Update profile saving process so a geocode lookup is completed only if the address has been changed

Release 21.6

MEM-1082 Users unable to update their subscriptions

MEM-1033 Content categories not separating event calendars in CMS

Release 21.5

MEM-1063 Balance not updating on renewal form when monthly payment is ticked

Release 21.4

MEM-1057 Unable to upload and add image to page at the same time

MEM-1054 Update link to online training in Help Desk

MEM-1041 Fix member CMS page member login form

Release 21.3

MEM-999 Improve stability of application start up and error handling

MEM-1023 Increase file upload capacity to 10M

Release 21.2

MEM-991 Organisation unable to connect Xero

MEM-954 Refactor profile directory image rendering

Release 21.1

MEM-961 Update wording on renewal form to reflect payment plan option

MEM-960 Fix event attendance certificate so it fits A4 page

MEM-945 Update fault report email address in admin

MEM-926 Fix for publication subscriptions not saving when updated by member