Export profile data

Profile data can be filtered and exported in a range of formats. A range of filters, including custom fields, can be used to tailor the data that is exported.

Video tutorial: Export profile data​

IMPORTANT: The Export Profile Data tool allows you to download private profile data. For more information on how to ensure your data remains secure refer to the page What You Can Do To Protect Your Data

From the menu on the left select Export Data > Profile Data.

A range of filters can be added to an export to tailor the information that is exported. These include any system and custom fields suitable to be used as filters (ie. not free text fields and file attachments) as well as filtering by Profile Relationships.

Select filters

To select a filter simply click in the relevant field and select from the list of options. If you know the field option you are searching for you can start typing and it will appear in the list.

Remember the more filters you apply to your export, the fewer results that will be returned.

Relationship filter

Click on the Get field at the top of the list of filters to display the dropdown menu.

From the list you can see an option for the Parent and Child of each Profile Relationship you have set up (the name of the Profile Relationship is displayed in square brackets). The Parent for each relationship will always display first.

Select the relevant option to apply the filter.

For example, in the image below if we want to obtain a list of all Employers from the Organisation Relationship type we would select the [Organisation] Employers of Employees where... option.

Export data in custom fields

You can also export data from any custom fields you have created to Excel.

At the Include Custom Fields box, select any fields you wish to include in your data export.

Export or view your data

Once your filters have been selected, you can now export the matched profiles in a number of ways:

  • Excel - the profile information is exported to an Excel spreadsheet

  • PDF - a list of matched profiles to PDF that can be emailed or printed

  • Data Table - A searchable on-screen list, which allows you to sort and quickly search full lists of profiles

  • Heat Maps - for more information refer to the Data Visualisation section below

Data Visualisation

membes allows you to visualise where profiles in your database that meet certain criteria are on a heat map. Working with the various filters will create some very powerful insights into your association and membership.

For example, you can see where your members are located, or where new members in the past 6 months are, or where most of your lapsed members are, etc.

Filter your records as you would to export a list of profiles and click the Heat Map button to display the map.