Create individual renewals

Create individual renewals

Renewals can also be created on an individual basis directly from a member's profile.

Video tutorial: Process renewals

Occasionally you may need to generate an individual renewal for a profile.

One example for this is where a member decides to change their membership type after receiving their renewal notice. In this case, you would delete the currently pending renewal, make the necessary updates to the profile and create the individual renewal.

First, go to the relevant profile.

Select Renewals from the profile menu bar.

In the Renewals screen you will see a list of all Membership Price Periods created, locate the correct price period and click the Create Renewal button.

Clicking the Create Renewal button will generate the membership renewal and invoice on the member profile. The Create Renewal button will change to Pending to show there is a pending renewal against the profile.

Click on the Pending button to display a list of options.

  • Edit renewal status - this allows you to manually change the status of a renewal, eg. if the member has paid by EFT, marking it as paid and the renewal complete

  • Membership certificate - view the membership certificate in a separate tab

  • Open invoice - view the renewal invoice in a separate tab

  • Manually process renewal - allows administrators to complete the renewal process on the member's behalf, including processing a credit card payment online

  • Delete renewal - allows an administrator to delete the pending renewal

IMPORTANT NOTE: Generating an individual renewal does not notify the member via email that the renewal has been generated, nor is the invoice emailed to the member.

If you generate an individual renewal you will need to manually notify the member and send them the invoice.