Membership certificate

Membes includes a standard membership certificate template. This page details how the certificate is generated and the available configuration options.

When is a membership certificate created?

Membership certificates are linked to the joining and renewal processes in Membes.

A certificate will be generated when a member submits an online joining form via your website or completes a membership renewal.

What information is included on a membership certificate?

The following information is included on the membership certificate:

  • Profile name

  • Membership Type

  • Membership Period calculation

  • Date of renewal completion

Membership period calculation

The membership period is calculated differently depending on whether your Membership Type has been configured as Rolling (Anniversary) or Cyclical.

Rolling (Anniversary)

The calculation used is the “Year of the Profile’s Paid Through Date - Membership period’s end year”.

For example, if the Profile has a Paid Through Date of 7 August 2024 and the Membership Period is configured to be 12 months on the Membership Type then the certificate will display the Membership Period calculation as:

  • 2023 - 2024

    • 2024 = the Paid Through Date Year

    • 2023 = the Paid Through Date Year less the Membership Period of 12 months

If the Membership Period is configured to be a multi-year membership then the calculation works the same. For example, a 36 month membership would display as:

  • 2021 - 2024

    • 2024 = the Paid Through Date Year

    • 2021 = the Paid Through Date Year less the Membership Period of 36 months


The calculation used is based on the start and end dates of the Membership Price Period.

For example, if the start date of the Membership Price Period is set to 1 July 2024 and the end date is set as 30 June 2025 then the certificate will display the Membership Period calculation as:

  • 2024 - 2025

If the Membership Price Period has been configured as a calendar year, then a single year is displayed. For example, if the start date of the Membership Price Period is 1 January 2024 and the end date is set as 30 June 2025 then the certificate will display:

  • 2024

How to configure the membership certificate

Upload the background image

  1. Create the background image, ensuring it meets the required specifications:

    1. JPEG format

    2. 1500px high X 1000px wide

  2. Go to Configuration & Settings > Image Assets.

  3. On the Membership Certificate Background click the Choose File button and select the required image from your computer.

  4. Click the Upload New Image button.

    1. If you cannot see the newly uploaded image straight away, then your browser is displaying a cached page. To clear the cache, perform a hard refresh by pressing Ctrl + F5 on Windows or Cmd + Shift + R on Mac.


Configure member access to the certificate

  1. Go to Configuration & Settings > Membership > Membership Types.

  2. Click Edit for the Membership Type you wish to update.

  3. On the Configuration tab, switch on Allow Profile to Download Certificate if you want to make the Membership Certificate available on the member’s profile for them to download themselves.

  4. On the Renewal Notices tab, switch on the Include Link to Certificate in Confirmation Email option if you want members to be able to download their certificate directly from the confirmation email they receive once their membership renewal has been completed.

  5. Click Save Membership Type.

Where to view the membership certificate


  1. Go to the relevant member’s profile and click on the Membership tab.

  2. Click on the View Latest Certificate link to open the certificate in a new tab or window.


If configured to allow the member to view the certificate on their profile, when logging in to their profile on your website the member will see a Membership Certificate option in the menu on the left.

Clicking on this menu option will open the certificate in a new tab or window.


Regenerating a membership certificate

The Membership Certificate is generated as a static document as at the time of the renewal completion or when the online join form is submitted.

If any changes are made to the member’s name or Membership Type then the certificate will need to be regenerated to reflect these changes.

  1. Go to the relevant member’s profile and click on the Membership tab.

  2. Click on the Regenerate Certificate link to update the certificate.