Create CPD activities

Create CPD activities

Set the parameters for CPD activities.

Video tutorials: Create CPD activities

From the menu on the left select CPD > Setup > Manage Activities.

Click the New Activity button.

Enter the details of the activity:

  • Category - select the activity category, Endorsed is generally used for activities run by the association, and Independent is usually used for activities run by other organisations

  • Activity Title - Enter the title of the activity

  • Code - Enter the activity code if one is used

  • Points - Enter the number of points the activity is worth

  • Hours Min / Cap - Enter the minimum and maximum number of hours that can be earned for this activity type

  • Points Min / Cap - Enter the minimum and maximum number of points that can be earned for this activity type

  • Explanation - Add an explanation or description of the activity, limited HTML can be used to format this text

  • Can submit online - Select this is members can submit the activity details online

  • Requires Approval - Select this if an administrator is required to approve the activity before it can be logged to the member's CPD record

Click Save New Activity.

API References

API references will display at the bottom of the manage activity page after you have saved a new activity and are used for the purpose of integrations with the CPD Module.

Where an integration (such as an LMS) can be setup to record CPD activity logs to a users CPD Log, that integration will need to know the categoryID and activityID of the Activity that the log is being submitted to.

If you are working with a developer on a custom integration, you will need to provide the developer with these references for the activity you want the integrating software to record logs to.