

The MailChimp list integration allows you to add and remove profiles from an audience you have created in your MailChimp account.

Before you can setup the integration, you will need to create a Slack workspace and appropriate channels within that workspace. You can view more information on how to do this in Slack's Help Centre.‌

Once these have been setup you can integrate your Slack workspace with Membes.

Click on the gear icon to open the Configuration and Settings menu.

‌In the menu on the left scroll down to Extend Membes and click Integrations > Slack.

‌Click the Add To Slack button.

‌You will be taken to the Slack website where you will see a notification of what the Slack integration can do and see.

If you are an administrator for multiple Slack workspaces, you have the option to select the appropriate one from the dropdown menu in the top right corner.

Once you've selected the correct workspace, click the Allow button.

‌You will then be taken back to the Membes configuration screen. From here you can select which Slack channel you would like the following notifications posted to:

  • Events

  • Job ads

  • Shop items

  • News

Click in each field to select the appropriate channel and click the Save button when complete.