

The Webcastcloud integration allows associations to create additional revenue streams by selling live and on-demand videos and events.

Set up integration

Login to your Webcastcloud account.

Go to Settings in the menu on the left.

From the Settings menu select Integrations.

Switch on the membes integration.

Click on the pencil icon and enter in your API keys and press Save.

You’re now ready to start loading content into your Webcastcloud.

If you need any assistance, their support can be accessed at https://support.webcastcloud.com/.

Single Sign On (SSO)

The username and password your members use to access their Webcastcloud account is exactly the same as what they use to access the membes website.

What happens when membes is connected Webcastcloud?

When a user logs into Webcastcloud via SSO, it checked to see if a Webcastcloud has already been created and if not, a new account is created on login.

What’s passed to Webcastcloud?

The following information is passed into Webcastcloud from membes:

  • Member/Profile number

  • First name

  • Surname

  • Email address

  • Membership type