Set up your invoice

Set up your invoice

When a purchase is made through the Membes AMS, an invoice is created for that purchase. Invoices follow a set template, however you can customise the following items.

Invoice logo

By default, the invoice will use the same logo used in the footer of your website. If you’d like to use an alternative logo, you can upload this via Image Assets. Instructions on how to do this are available in the User Guide.

Organisation details

Your organisation’s contact details will be added to your invoice template by the system.

The contact details can be updated in your configuration settings, see the User Guide for details.

Payment instructions

The invoice payment instructions can be customised via Miscellaneous Pagelets. For detailed instructions on how to do this, see the User Guide.

Generating and view a sample invoice

The fastest way to generate a sample invoice, is to create a manual invoice from a test profile, see the User Guide for details.