Dashboard widgets

Dashboard widgets

Users can customise the information displayed on the dashboard for each area of area of administration by selecting from a range of widgets.

Widget configuration

The standard configuration allows users to add 2 widgets to their dashboard and include 4 organisational targets for the target indicators.

Intel Plus users can configure their dashboard to include up to 6 widgets and set up to 8 organisation targets with target indicators.

See the Intel User Guide for instructions on how to enable Intel Plus.

IMPORTANT: Intel Plus is currently in beta phase and is available to all users at no charge. Charges for this module will apply from 1 January 2022.

Add dashboard widgets

To set your Dashboard widgets, click on the user icon on the navbar.

On the menu, click Customise Dashboard.

A screen will display with the option to customise the Dashboard for each area of the AMS, click on the down arrow to display the list of widget options.

The list of widgets is displayed on the left side of the screen.

Click on a widget and drag it over to display it in the left or right column.

Once you’ve added the widgets you want, click the Save button.

The saved widgets will now display on the selected Dashboard.

Available widgets

Target indicators

This widget allows you to set a range of organisational targets and will indicate whether or not you’re on track to meet the target.

Once the target has been set, the indicator will move and show if you are on target for this month or not. If you are on target, the needle will point to the middle. If you are ahead of target it will move to the right. If you are under target it will move to the left. The more ahead or under target you are, the further the needle will move to the left of the right.

The numbers in the middle of the indicator show [ current value / target value ]. So using the Renewals indicator below, the target renewals for this month is 5, and so far this month there has been 1.

To set targets, click on the settings icon to display the list of possible targets. Once the targets have been set, the number of targets will display next to the name of the widget.

To set a target, enter a number into the relevant field.

You can set targets for the following:

  • New application

  • Renewals

  • Renewal lapses

  • New application revenue

  • Renewal revenue

  • New application and renewal revenue

  • Event registrations

  • Event registration revenue

  • Number of forum posts

  • Number of shop purchases

  • Shop purchase revenue

Membership trend

This widget displays a chart of your membership trend, showing the number of members who have joined or lapsed over a period of time.

Click on the chart icon in the top right corner to go to the Joined vs Lapsed report in Intel.

Applications pending approval

This widget displays a list of new membership applications pending approval.

It details the name of the new member, the amount paid and invoice number, the invoice payment status and the date the application was submitted.

Click on the name to be taken directly to the profile, or click on the invoice number to open the invoice in a new tab or window.

Recent new members

This widget shows a list of new members who have joined recently.

It shows the date the new member joined, their profile/membership number, name and membership type.

Click on the right arrow to go directly to the profile.

Recent job ads

This widget displays a list of job ads recently submitted via your website.

It shows the date the job was submitted, the name of the organisation and the job title. A green power icon indicates the job ad is enabled and displaying on the website, a red icon will display if the ad has been disabled.

Click on the right arrow to be taken directly to the ad.

Future events summary

This widget displays a list of upcoming events.

It details the date and name of the event, and the number of registrations received.

Click on the calendar icons (1.) to the Manage Events page. Clicking on the down arrow (2.) will give you the option to go directly to the event’s registrations page, edit the event or go to the event’s advanced options page.


Recent renewals

This widget shows a list of recently completed renewals.

It shows the date of the renewal, the profile/membership number, the name of the member and their membership type.

Click on the right arrow to go directly to the profile.

Recent shop purchases

This widget shows a list of items that were recently purchased via the online shop.

It shows the date the item was purchased, the invoice number and the name of the purchaser.

Click on the down arrow and select whether you wish to open the invoice or go directly to the profile.


Pending profile actions

This widget shows a list of pending profile actions and who is responsible for them.

Click on the profile name (1.) to be taken directly to the profile. You can filter (2.) the list of pending actions by administrator and see which administrators are responsible for a particular action (3.).


Recent invoices

This widget displays a list of recently created invoices.

It details the invoice number, payment status, name and amount.

The payment status of the invoice is indicated by the colour of the invoice number, it will be green if the invoice has been paid and red if it is unpaid.

Click on the $ icon (1.) to go to the View Invoices page or the up arrow to open the invoice in a new tab or window.