Service Desk

Service Desk

The Service Desk functions as a ticketing system consolidating all member enquiries in a central location. This ensures a single source of truth and eliminates worries about flooding a personal inbox with enquiries. You can now provide support even when a staff member is unavailable, enhancing team collaboration.

Within the Membes Service Desk is your own personal AI assistant to help you deliver faster and more accurate ticket responses. You can train your own AI assistant with everything it needs to know about your association. Your members will receive quick, consistent, accurate responses to their questions.

In order to access the Service Desk, you need to enable access via the Administration Access settings on your profile.

  1. On your profile, go to Other > Administration Access.

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  2. Go to the AMS tab and check Service Desk: Service Desk and Service Desk: New Tickets then save the changes.



  3. Log out of admin and then back in again to update your settings.

Train your AI model

NOTE: This step is optional. You can still setup and use the Service Desk without a trained AI model. If you would like to proceed with using the Service Desk without a trainined AI model, skip this step and go to “Link a web form to your Service Desk“.


The next step in configuring your Service Desk is to start training your AI model. You can configure the model to use your information from your website and Membes system, as well as uploading your own content.

  1. Open Configuration and Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner.

  2. From the menu on the left slide of the screen click on Artificial Intelligence > Train Model.



  3. On the Train Model screen, switch on which areas of the system you would like to use to train your AI model.

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  4. If you’d like to upload specific information for your association, go to Upload knowledge file click the Choose files button and select the relevant PDF file.

  5. Click the Retrain Model button to add this information into your AI model.

  6. Additional knowledge files can be added by repeating steps 4 and 5 to add multiple PDF files.

  7. To remove a knowledge file, click the Remove link next to the uploaded file.


Link a web form to your Service Desk

The Service Desk utilises the Website Forms to allow your members to submit enquiries and create a ticket within the Service Desk.

You can create multiple forms to be linked to your Service Desk.

  1. Follow the instructions to create your website form.

  2. The Form Name will be used as the enquiry or ticket type in the Service Desk.

  3. When creating the form, switch on the Link to Service Desk option.

  4. Whenever a user submits this form via your website, a ticket will be created in the Service Desk.

Service Desk tickets

A new ticket will be created when a user submits an enquiry via a website form on your site.

  1. To view and/or manage tickets, go to AMS > Service Desk in the menu on the left.



  2. On the Service Desk screen you will see some filter options at the top of the page:

    1. Type - Click the dropdown to switch between enquiry types

    2. Status - The ticket status will change depending on what action is required on the ticket ie. Waiting for Support, In Progress, Waiting for Customer and Closed.

    3. Search - Enter a keyword to search for a specific ticket.

  3. The ticket screen provides the relevant information about the ticket:

    1. Ticket number

    2. Type (which web form it’s linked to)

    3. Submitted / Update dates

    4. Submitter details

    5. Ticket status

    6. Details of the enquiry and any supporting documents such as screenshots which have been attached to the ticket

  4. To reply to the enquiry click the Manual Reply option and type your response into the editor field and click Send. This will email a response to the user.

  5. Use the Internal Notes option to add notes to the enquiry or communicate with other team members. Click Send to save the note to the ticket.


Using AI to generate ticket responses

Earlier you started training your AI model by uploading knowledge files and enabling parts of your Membes system to be utilised by the AI model. Now that your AI model is “trained” you can start using it to generate ticket responses.

  1. To generate a response based on the content of the ticket/enquiry click the Membes Assistant Reply option.

  2. You can review and edit the generated reply on the screen and click Send to respond to the enquiry/ticket and an email will be sent to the user.