Profile interactions

Communications with members can be recorded via profile interactions. In addition to the standard system interactions, custom interaction types can be created and reported on.

View Profile Interactions

First, search for the relevant profile.

On the profile dashboard, the list of interactions appears on the right side of the screen.

In the list of profile interactions you can see the title of each entry, click on the tile to expand it to see the full entry details.

This list can be filtered by clicking the Filter button in the top right, you can select the types interactions you wish to see by checking or unchecking the box next to them. Once you've checked the relevant boxes, click the Filter button to display them.

Adding a profile interaction

To add an interaction to a member's profile, click the + button.

In the New Profile Interaction box select the event type from the dropdown.

Enter the Title, then the Description of the interaction. If no follow up action is required, click Save Event.

If the profile interaction requires an action to be completed at a later date, you can assign a task to an administrator.

Enter the details into the Action box.

In the Assign To field, select the name of the administrator the task is to be assigned to.

Assign a due date for when the task should be completed and click Save Event.

Administrators can enable the Pending Profile Actions dashboard widget to view which tasks have been assigned to them on the Home screen when they first login. The tasks are displayed in chronological list with a link directly to the member profile.

Overdue tasks show the date in red, the initials of the administrator who has been assigned to the task display under the date.

All profile interaction types are colour coded, a coloured dot appears at the left of each task to show the interaction type.

The Home screen only displays actions up to 6 months old, to view older actions you will need to export a Profile Actions Report.


Creating custom profile interaction types

If you need to track a particular type of communication with your members, a custom profile interaction can be created. You can then produce a Profile Actions Report to track how the custom profile interaction is being used.

Click on the gear icon to open the Configuration and Settings menu.

In the menu on the left, click Profiles > Interaction Types.

Click on the New Interaction Type button.

Enter the name of the new interaction type, select a colour and click the Save Event Type button.​

To edit an interaction type, click the Actions button and select Edit.